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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  February 22, 2013 11:00am-1:00pm EST

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ca the number on your screen now! >> have a great weekend everybody. we'll see you back here on monday. bill: we met bail. because we're out of here. martha: bye, everybody. jenna: we start off friday with a fox news alert. we're one week away from billions of dollars in spending cuts. hi, everybody. i'm jenna lee. >> i'm glad its friday. i'm jon scott. there is still no deal in place to avoid the so-called sequester. lawmakers seeking to reach agreement before the deadline next friday. the house is not even in session right now. if no deal is reached $85 billion of automatic spending cuts will kick in. foreign affairs correspondent wendell goler is live at the white house for now. wendell. >> reporter: the president phoned house speaker boehner and senate minority leader mcconnell after republicans
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complained he wasn't talking to them. after phone calls they said the leaders they need to talk to is democratic leaders of the senate and house to get them to help control budge jeff debts i. so, officials linked to what they said the was latest proposal given to speaker boehner which would cut spend about $930 billion and raise $585 billion in revenue from tax changes. press secretary jay carney denies the report that the president is content to let the sequester happen. >> it will harm our national security. and that is a problem. moreover, it will harm the tens of thousands of children who will be thrown off of head start. it will harm children who depend on mental health services, seniors who depend on services. it will harm first-responders across the country. who, will get furlough notices or layoff notices. teachers and the like.
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>> reporter: military firms say he sequester could force them to furlough hundreds of thousands of civilian workers. next week mr. obama will visit newport news, virginia, where navy ship builders stand to lose their jobs if the equestionster takes effect. california congressman buck mckeown suspects the current white house urgency is really con strived. >> i've been talking for a year and a half. it is like the white house last week woke up, gee, we'll have sequestration. it was the president's idea originally. he put it on the stable. when we tried to change it a year ago he said no, no. anything you pass i'll veto. so, this just boggles my mind hearing them talk like this all of sudden now we've got a problem. >> reporter: the white house says the president's veto threat was about trying to avoid the sequester. the republicans say the president spent more time warning about the impact of sequester than negotiating
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with them to avoid it. jenna? jon: the president just spoke with mitch mcconnell, the republican leader in the senate for the first time since new year's? >> reporter: since before new year's in fact. jon: wendell goler at white house. thanks. jenna: well now, this fox news alert. a massive deadly winter storm is making its way across the country today. even the governor of kansas is declaring a state of emergency. and this just in. the nation's, the national weather service calling this the strongest winter storm in decades to hit that state. few people are braving the roads out there as up to 17 inches of snow has really made travel nearly impossible. not as much snow in chicago but it is also feeling the storm's effects there. about 270 flights in and out of the city have already been canceled this morning. be aware of that. the winter weather is snarling traffic across missouri now. hundreds of accidents have been reported. the storm is forcing partial closing of interstate 70 and
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64. claudia cowan is live from kansas city, missouri, with more for us now. claudia? >> reporter: well, jenna, the snowstorm has pretty much moved on but it is still a snow day for the kids and tough going out on the roads. not so much on the main highways or the city streets like this one here in downtown kansas city, but more in the residential neighborhoods and on the side streets where the plows really haven't had a chance to get in there and push all of the snow out of the way. as you mention the roads were an icy mess throughout the region yesterday. a lot of slipping and sliding. not a lot of serious crashes because people were out on the road and poor visibility made it hard for drivers to go very fast. those out and about today need to be careful especially if the streets are lined with the large snowdrifts. they might want to have a snow shovel with them. it was a very dynamic storm with snow, freezing rain. what the national weather service calls thunder sleet. lightning really lit up the
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skyline overnight and temperatures in the 20s over the next few days means all the heavy snow will stay put. farmers certainly hope so. they say a slow melt with help with a long and severe drought. the storm door appears to be open. jenna, forecasters are already talking about another chance of snow by early next week. just a final word about the kansas city airport which had to close yesterday after getting a 9.2 inches of snow. that sets a new record. 400 flights had to be canceled. but good news for all those stranded passengers, jenna. the kansas city airport is slowly resuming operations. as we see the sun start to pop through the clouds and at least one runway is open allowing people to get and out of kansas city. back to you. jenna: we'll take the good news where we can. claudia, thank you very much. last time we talked to claudia. yesterday she was in the snow. now a little bit of sun. that is never a bad thing. jon: some opening video out of hayes, kansas. i went to school in missouri, drive across kansas to colorado on spring break,
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every winter i got stuck in a blizzard. jenna: that is no joke. jon: that is serious stuff this time of year. ready or not the drones are coming, that is according to the faa which estimates that we could have 3,000 drones flying around this country by the end of the decade. mostly in use by local law enforcement that is raising new concerns over privacy. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge live in washington with more on that. break down the debate for us. catherine. >> reporter: thank you, jon. the faa will soon be approving new licenses called certificates of authorization for the public sector and ultimately the private sector. right now about 300 drone licenses have already been approved. as you mentioned a several thousand are expected over the next few years. supporters of ua. haves point to the fact of the 18,000 police departments in the u.s., only a minority, about 300 have the money to spend on aerial assets such as helicopters or light aircraft. those who support drones argue that there are essentially misunderstood.
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most are very small like the one you see here costs between ten and $50,000. and they can only fly for about an hour or less. they can not be armed. those who support the drones say they are force multipliers for local cops and rescue crews. >> it is an extra tool in the tool kit for the first-responders to use and it is more portable than a lot of manned assets that are out there. >> reporter: those against the explosive expansion of drones say the law has not kept pace with technology which means simply basic privacy right its are at stake here. number one, drones should never be used to look into private areas like your bedroom window or your barn, what have you, without a warrant. number two when you're out in public you are being watched by people around you but you don't expect you're being tracked everywhere you go all day by some unseen eye in the sky. that shouldn't be able to happen either without a warrant. >> reporter: there is no supreme court precedent but
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the aclu says it doesn't really offer people many protections. it was a case with a guy with a high fence around his yard. he argued with the court that the police did not have right to do aerial surveillance over the yard without a warrant. when they did the surveillance they found he was growing pot and was ultimately convicted. that is the precedent people look at. there is nothing out there that sets a lot of legal benchmarks. jon: a lot of concern in the aviation community about what the things will be doing, who will control them, how high they will three. all of that. >> crowded skies, you're right. jon: catherine, thank you. >> reporter: you're welcome. jenna: big news out of south africa this importanting. oscar pistorius openly weeping in court as a judge grants him bail ahead of his hurt trial. -- murder trial. a south african judge ordering him to pay more than $100,000 in bail and surrender his pass port. the man known as "the blade runner" is accused of murder
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iring the girl on the screen, his girlfriend on valentine's day. pistorius said he thought she was an intruder. greg palkot is live with more. >> reporter: we spent two hours in the courtroom behind me, jenna in the courthouse there. it was hot, it was sweaty and it was crowded and emotional. we were a couple feet away from oscar pistorius. we watched him cry uncontrollably at various times especially when slain girlfriend reeva steenkamp's name was mentioned. he also cried when the bail was granted. the announcement came from the judge, family supporting him in the gallery behind cheered and then gathered in prayer. the judge said he is granting the bail because he does not see pistorius as a flight risk or as a danger to others. as you noted there are restrictions. passports taken away. he can't obviously touch any of his weapons. alcohol, he can't go back to his own home. as for the case, the judge spent a lot of time, maybe as much as half an hour, slamming what had been built
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up by the now former lead detective in charge of the case, slamming the presentation of evidence but at the same time he criticized time and time again point by point the defense version of the story behind this slaying of steenkamp that valentine's day morning in here in pretoria. and in fact critically the judge stuck with that premeditated murder charge. if that sticks, if he is found guilty, pistorius can face life in prison. and what is next? the trial to decide that matter. june 4th is the trial date set but that could be delayed i am told. we watched just a couple minutes ago as a land rover sped away with a lot of folks on motorcycles and cameras in tow. we believe that could be pistorius leaving this courthouse and we are hearing that he will be staying for the time-being at his uncle's house here in
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pretoria as well. back to you, jenna. jenna: much more on the story as we get it, greg. thank you. jon: we're keeping an eye on that dangerous winter storm we told you about. the monstrous system is leaving massive totals of snow and ice in the midwest and the plain states as it heads east. we'll show you exactly where this thing is headed next. and there are lots of medical tests out there claiming they can keep you healthy but new recommendations suggest many of those are really unnecessary. dr. ernest patty is in with the lowdown on which tests to schedule and which ones you might want to skip. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do. [ slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums.
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jenna: right now a brand new list of tests that doctors say you simply do not need. 15 tests in fact according to the latest research -- 135. from a more than a dozen medical societies. which tests should you get? which ones should you skip? some important information from dr. ernest patty,
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senior attending physician of emergency medicine at st. barn bass hospital. you certainly order a lot of tests, doctor. which are the top ones, red flags we should avoid? >> we can't just make a list right now and say we don't need these ever. obviously patient interaction is key. there are some we overutilized. hard habits are hard to break. overutilizing x-rays, cat scans, total body scans, tests as this nature and overprescribing antibiotics. jenna: let me ask you about the total body scans. i hear a commercial on radio now and then. going for the total body scan you will figure out if you have cancer or you know known illness that you need to check out. why is that not a good idea? why is not more information better?. >> they use a high-intensity cat scan and getting a whopping dose of radiation, over time the radiation doseage you receive adds up could develop to future cancer down the road. if you don't need a test,
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asymptomic or have any illness or issues why go and get it? they occasionally find things in areas inaccessible may be benign but may cause concern for. >> there is fear of missing something out there for all of us. i wonder you as a doctor, too, a patient comes in, they have certain symptoms, say there are five different tests you could give and decide to give two, are you worried about not giving the other three pause because of litigation? because of a patient saying hey, doc, we missed three other tests and i'm suing you? >> that is big problem myself and many physicians grapple will on daily basis. medicine a constantly changing science and has a sort of an art. that art is evaluating a patient, making them feel comfortable and getting information from them verbally and the physical exam to help you go down the right path. jenna: how can we empower patients and viewers out there so we know what questions to ask our doctor before blindly taking a blood test or x-ray? are there certain things we should inquire about? for the most part when we go
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to the doctors, we trust when you're telling us. >> most definitely. patients should ask do i really need blood test? do i really need this radiological study? is it necessary for me to get this kind of a cat scan? they should ask. especially parents taking their children to the doctor. if the doctor doesn't give you satisfactory answer, by speaking with you, then maybe you should look for another doctor, because doctors need to explain why and when we do things. jenna: how is this affecting cost, health care costs in general? the abundance of tests we do now versus what we did 50 years ago? >> it is pushing costs ups eggs isly the specter of malpractice. physicians worry you get sued for missing one diagnosis that is very rare. it definitely causes some physicians to overutilize tests. jenna: do you i think the problem is more on the side of the patients or more on the side of medical profession? not to place blame. there is environment out there because of the amount of tests, the amount of litigation, the amount of information we can do as far as research on the internet
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as well. >> exactly. jenna: those are all components. where do you think, where do you think the overdoing it comes from, is it from the patients or doctors you think? >> i think it is from the doctors trying to protect themselves and their patients both from the patients getting disease and from the doctors themselves being sued. i think, it, the blame has to lie in actually both areas, it really does. hard to put it on one side. jenna: you're right, that is a difficult question. on the other side of the coin is there a test patients often don't ask for and doctors don't give that might be something we don't know about? >> sometimes the test of time. that is what we use as physicians. we want to see you in 48 hours, reexamine you, maybe have contact after the first encounter to see if you're progressing toward improvement or worsening. >> test of time. >> test of time. jenna: very clever, dr. paty. maybe it is beneficial for both doctors and patients. >> it is. the kpee is communication
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between the doctor and patient, both ways. jenna: great to have you set on always. pleasure to have you. jon? jon: have you heard about the progress on immigration reform? the president promised a bipartisan approach. now at least one u.s. senator is accusing him of not working with republicans. so what does it mean for the reform efforts? plus those pretty little fish you buy for your home aquarium, they are now causing gigantic problems in one of the nation's most pristine and famous lakes. we'll explain coming up.
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jon: some new questions right now about whether lawmakers are any closer to reaching a deal on immigration reform. business and labor groups announcing an agreement on a new kind of worker visa program, but senator marco rubio of florida accuses
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president obama of not working with republicans on a deal. something that forced him to call rubio and two other gop senators involved in the immigration effort to re-emphasize his commitment to bipartisanship. monica crowley is a radio talk show host and a fox news contributor. knows a lot about this. let's talk to her now. so things are hunky-dory on capitol hill. the president has dialed up marco rubio and everything will be good on immigration, right. >> it is all public relations at this point because these senators, were complaining, republicans were saying we're not getting any contact from the president and white house on something the president claims is so important to him, comprehensive immigration reform. so the president picks up the phone and calls rubio, mccain and graham. have a short conversation with them but one conversation does not make actual policy. i actually think the president doesn't want to see a real deal done on immigration because he is getting more traction in picking a fight with republicans. jon: do you think he gets more headlines by battling?
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>> sure. because it's an excellent chance for the president to pound the republicans on immigration the way he pounded them on gun control and pounded them on the sequester it. he enjoys the fight. he relishes the fight. for him it is less about actually solving problems than engaging in a political battle. with most of the press on his side he usually wins each fight. >> the complaint from folks at home that nothing is getting done in washington. most of that blame seems to be assigned to the congress but clearly the president has a role to play. >> absolutely. this a case the republicans should be making. in particular on immigration, we should be arguing that we're coming to the table especially marco rubio who is new fresh voice for conservatives on this issue. we have a plan. let's negotiate. let's start talking about this. and because the president has resisted, i mean he leaked a plan last weekend, marco rubio said dead on arrival. come to us with some real proposals. the president hasn't done that. it is about the fight and not about the solutions.
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jon: but yesterday the head of the afl-cio and the head of the chamber of commerce of united states, a labor group and a business group, announced, you know, that they had things that were looking pretty good. >> they announced they had some common ground in terms of creating a new visa program, in terms of allowing americans to have a first crack at jobs. all of these things though are incredibly hard to enforce. how are you going to enforce whether or not an american gets a first crack at a particular job? they're announcing this i think obama didn't include a guest worker program in his proposal that was leaked last weekend. this may be giving him some cover with the labor unions on this particular issue. keep in mind, jon, immigration is a such a huge complex issue. the guest worker program is critical part of it but just something part of something much bigger. jon: one of the creations they announced yesterday was a new quasi-independent federal bureau that would monitor employment statistics and trends. >> another federal bureaucracy.
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great. great solution. jon: thanks monica. >> you let. thanks. jenna: a u.s. senator is threatening to block the president's pick to lead the cia. why senator rand paul is not satisfied with john brennan's answers or lack thereof. a film generating major controversy ahead of the academy awards. >> i am bad news. i'm not your friend. not going to help you. i'm going to break you. any questions? jenna: well, we've heard the complaints from some lawmakers but why are some in hollywood denouncing "zero dark thirty." ahead of the academy awards? we'll tell you next hey, our salads.
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[ bop ] [ bop ] [ bop ] you can do that all you want, i don't like v8 juice. [ male announcer ] how about v8 v-fusion. a full serving of vegetables, a full serving of fruit. but what you taste is the fruit. so even you... could've had a v8.
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jenna: concerns over the possible use of drone strikes inside the united states could, maybe, derail the president's pick to lead the cia. senator rand paul of kentucky now threatening to filibuster john brennan's nomination saying he is not satisfied with the nominee's response whether drone strikes on americans in the united states is legal. and in a letter earlier to brennan this week senator paul said, quote, the question i and many others have asked whether the administration has or intend to carry out drone strikes inside the united states but whether it believes it has the authority to do so. if it is not clear that you will honor the limits placed upon the executive branch by
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the constitution, then the senate should not confirm you to lead the cia. we're told that brennan has not responded to this letter. senator rand paul joins me now from kentucky. senator paul, there is so many issues in front of so many lawmakers in d.c., why is this issue in particular so bothersome to you that you could want to prevent john brennan becoming the head of the cia? >> he will well, you know the idea that you get a trial before a jury and a judge if you're accused of a crime is something that we've had in our history through english history as well as the u.s. history for 800 years. it's a very important part of the bill of rights, due process. so what we're talking about is not killing someone with a grenade launcher on their shoulder. we're talking about someone eating at a cafe in boston or new york and a hellfire missile comes raining in on them. there should be an easy answer from the administration on this. they should say absolutely no, we will not kill
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americans in america without an accusation, a trial and a jury. and i'm not talking about people engaged in lethal force. i'm talking about people sitting in a cafe having coffee. that is what, people like this are being killed around the world. we should not do this in america and it's inexcusable that the administration will not answer absolutely no, we will not do this. jenna: why do you think they won't? >> well, that's the real question. i've asked serious questions, serious constitutional questions. i've gotten zero response. and that is sort of the way this administration is treating congress. the senate has the right to advice and consent and approve nominees. i've not got one word of response from the administration on this. the president says he has no intention but that is sort of like saying, well, he doesn't like the second amendment either but he doesn't intend to overturn it at this time. that is what he is saying. he has no intention of dropping a drone or dropping
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a bomb from a drone on an american right now. he should say he has no right to do so without a trial. we're not talking about someone engaged in a lethal action or imminent violence. we're talking about people they're targeting who are sitting and potentially conspiring. jenna: you say you're concerned about the safety and security of americans inside this country and our rights. how concerned are you about our national security if there's a delay of getting the president's next national security team in place? what do you think the risk is? >> i think zero. i think the people who are in power currently would stay in power and those in charge of this are career civil servants. and so i think that titular head of the cia whether they're delayed or not wouldn't make an iota of difference but i think constitutional questromp all inconvenience the president might have and he needs to respond. he needs to knot say, at this time i do not plan on killing americans. he needs to say absolutely not. the constitution protects american citizens on
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american soil. if you're accused in a crime in america you get your day in court. jenna: senator paul, you've been outspoken about sequester and i want to ask you about. because our viewers for the next day and next week will hear about the effects of sequester if it indeed happens. we heard of hundreds of thousands of job losses. our meat not, inspected by federal officials. but00 thousand of -- hundreds of thousand of kids being effect. you called the sequestration a pit ann in -- pittance in the grand scheme of things. what should we consider when we hear this from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle? >> i would say bull der dash. unfair, dishonest, disingenuous. the president is making stuff up. he puts law enforcement, and puts firemen and policemen, 9% are paid for with local taxes and says you will lose your local policeman because of this. it is not true. the sequester is slowdown in
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the rate of growth of government. it is the least we can do. our country is drowning in a sea of debt, borrowing $50,000 a second. we have to slow down spending. and for the president to use this history on nicks i think really beneath the office of the presidency. jenna: senator paul, pleasure to have you on the show today. we look forward to have you back, sir. >> thank you. jon: now, a fox news weather alert. deadly winter storm that left widespread damage in the midwest and plain states. it has its sights set on the east coast. it is a massive storm. it has lost some strength but it is far from spent. meteorologist janice dean live in the fox weather center. jd, what's happening? >> we're still seeing inches of snow and inches of rain from this storm system. as you can see we have winter weather advisories up for the midwest, great lakes, ohio river valley, across the appalachians. we also have winter weather
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advisories for new england because our next storm system will take place over the next 12 to 24 hours. as the cold front stalls out we'll see the potential for several inches of rain. flood advisories are up for all the states in green, mississippi, alabama, georgia, up through carolinas. some moisture will go offshore and become a nor'easter, but how much snow and how much rain is still up for grabs here. we think south of boston it will be a winery mix, a rain event too warm for snow. but north and west of boston, you could be in the bull's-eye for six to 12 inches of snow. of course we'll have to watch that. some of these areas got pummeled with two to three feet of snow just a couple weeks ago. so, jon, we'll certainly keep you posted. but we're not done with this winter storm yet and we're not done with winter either. back to you. jon: looks like a mess. janice, thank you. >> you bet. >> i want to make something absolutely clear. if you thought there was
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some working group coming to the rescue, i want you to know that you're wrong. this is it. there's nobody else hidden away on some other floor. there is just us. so we are failing. jenna: well that's a clip from the academy award nominated "zero dark thirty.", a film by director kathryn bigelow that has come under fire for the suggestion that torture resulted in information that led to the location of usama bin laden, something senator dianne feinstein and carl levin and john mccain says is grossly inaccurate. i'm having a little trouble here. inaccurate and misleading. even going so far as to denounce the movie in a letter to sony pictures. now even hollywood seems to be turning its back on the
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film. daniel henninger, deputy editorial page editor for "the wall street journal" turning into a little bit after movie critic, daniel, in your latest column. why are you bothered by the back and forth about this film? >> i am bothered by it, jenna, i was in downtown manhattan the morning of september 11th and as well as many other people and experienced it first-hand. this movie finally closes the circle, i think for a lot of us on that event by giving us the story of the tracking down and killing of usama bin laden. and so people were taking this movie in, victims and families of 9/11 it, in that context and then senator feinstein, levin and john mccain sort of belly-slam into the middle of it and decide, oh, the movie isn't about closing the circle on 9/11 and the london bombings and the madrid bombings. it will be about this obsession of theirs whether one part of the movie, the enhanced interrogations will
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convince the american people that led to the capture of usama bin laden. senator feinstein completely unbalanced the reception to this film and in the event, seems to have intimidated hollywood into dropping kathryn bigelow from best director. it has no chance of winning best picture,. jenna: do you think it should? >> i definitely think it should win best picture. it was the best picture made. it was so well-received last year. the issue is why do we end up obsessed with something like enhanced interrogation, turning "zero dark thirty." the torture movie, when it is about something so larger than that. jenna: a very small part of the movie is about the scene that caused so much controversy. seems there is a battle over narrative. who owns the story about what happened on 9/11, and who has the story right. here is this battle between lawmakers who, a role in that story and those that create the movies about our country that also has a role
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how we remember these stories. what do you make of that tension? >> well, i think there will always be a tension like that. in this case i think the, film-makers, and the people who experience these events, that narrative, was in sync, and the thing about the movie, jenna, is that it is not so much about retribution for 9/11 as it is trying to prevent future acts at that time. such as the foiled car bombing in times square, which did not happen. jenna: does it seem odd to you though that lawmakers could intimidate hollywood about which, which director or which movie hollywood like best? is that, why do you think they would be intimidated by those three, lawmakers out of anybody out there? >> well, because, this issue of torture was kind of a at peace with the liberal mindset back then which decided that torture as they called it in george bush's war was all of a piece of a false reaction to 9/11. that is in historical dispute. that is one receptive to
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many people in hollywood. once senator feinstein elevated it in this way, a lot of these hollywood people rolled over and decided we can not legitimatize a torture movie. it is not a torture movie. jenna: was it difficult for you to watch, seeing you are down there on 9/11? >> jenna, it was very difficult to watch. i did not breathe in the last 20 minutes when the navy seals landed down in usama bin laden's compound. it is very straightforward debig shun. for us at that time it was a moment of elation at the end of that movie. jenna: important to have have your perspective. i guess you will watch the academy awards on sunday. we know where you will be. thank you very much. jon? jon: we should all remember. crossroads gdp releasing a new ad on the automatic spending cuts. the conservative political action group play laying the blame for possible cuts squarely at the feet of the white house.
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take a look. >> these cuts here in washington as sequestration are a bad idea. do you want to see a bunch of first-responders lose their jobs, teachers laid off, air traffic controllers and airport security. hardship on a lot of people. families scramble to find child care for kids, can sear screenings. a bad idea. a bad idea. >> they were the administration's idea. >> it was president obama's idea. >> it was president obama's idea in the first place. he signed it into law. >> the president is part of this sequester. the white house recommended it frankly. back in august of 2011. >> it seems like every three months around here there is some manufactured crisis. jon: well that's a look at what crossroads sees in the sequester. no real comment from the white house. there are growing frustrations out of the jodi arias trial. why prosecutors are grilling
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her in gaps in her memory about the death of her boy friend. coming up. mmm. it's delicious! another angry-satisfied customer. you don't need toppings! and that is why we're fixing this. hey earth! stop topping triscuit! [ male announcer ] 100% whole grain woven for an untoppable taste.
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jenna: only natural. parents want to keep an eye on their kids but there is some big controversy just how much a new app can tell mom or dad what their teen ager is up to. >> they are developing a app for a android smartphone called teen tracker. they help parents locate and listen to and see what their viewers are doing. it is for our viewers to decide if this is a good idea or a invasion of private system i will lay out how the it works. the app enables your phone to act like a receiver and your child's phone to work as a transmitter. once the secure connection is established, parents can listen in what is going on around the child's phone.
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and can access both frontal and back cameras. but here's the part that has critics upset. your child will not know he or she is being monitored. the teenage tracker does more. it accesses google maps to give real time information on the phone's location so if your kid has it on them on your child's location too. while monitoring can be hidden, the app itself must be installed on your child's device. and icon will pop up just like any other app on your phone. plus your kid can turn it off or uninstill it at any time there is back and forth on this a lot of attention for something not even on the market. it may be a thing for the manufacturer. we're reporting on it because of headline, controversy over spying on kids. parents again will decide on this one with their wallets. jenna. jenna: teen tracker, not wife tracker or anything like that, right? >> what are up to, girl? jenna: i don't need, i just been wondering what the limitations are on this.
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where we go next. >> you're married to a navy seal. he can find you. jenna: he always knows where i am at all times. good point. harris, thank you. jon: well we played a bit of the beginning for you yesterday. jodi arias on trial for her life being cross-examined about the murder of her boyfriend. next, the rest of the story. >> your problems with your medicalry, is it of recent vintage. >> define reese sent? >> i don't know, since you started testifying? >> no, it goes back further than that. did you know not alls the same? citrucel is different- it's the only fiber for regularity that won't cause excess gas. it's gentle and clinically proven to help restore and maintain regularity. look for citrucel today. your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon... we've got a lot of empty cans.
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[ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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jon: in arizona prosecutors will continue their intense cross-examination of accused killer jodi arias when her
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trial resumes on monday. yesterday they unloaded on her as she took the stand for the ninth straight day. after recanting countless details when questioned by the defense team she suddenly seem to draw blanks. this drew tense exchanges about her apparently selective memory. >> give me the factors, i don't know about what a specific circumstance, what factors influenced you're having a memory problem? >> usually when men like you are screaming at me or grilling me or someone like travis doing the same. >> so that affects your memory problems, right. >> right it. makes my brain scramble. >> so you're saying it is, basically what you're saying mr. martinez's fault that you can't remember things that are going on? >> it is not your fault. >> i'm not saying that. you're saying that, isn't it. >> no, i'm not saying that. >> is there something about a certain decibel of the voice that creates problems? >> decibel, tone, content, sort of a combination of
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factors. jon: jodi arias has admitted to killing her former boyfriend travis alexander in 2008. she faces the death penalty if found guilty of first-degree murder. obviously her attorney is trying to keep her off death row. arthur aidala criminal defense attorney, former prosecutor. fred tease ea former prosecutor -- tease see. nine days after testifying in their own defense and subjected to cross-examination. after remembering all the stuff about their relationship she really can't remember the murder, the killing itself. >> nine days, nine days, nine days. by the way i forget what happened. jury is riveted for basically nine days to the extent they can be waiting to hear her talk about the murder. when she gets to that she says i can't remember. that was not high point of cross-examination. the prosecutor showed she remembered all the little details but couldn't remember killing the guy. i think he made his point. jon: what about it?
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>> it makes you cringe as a defense attorney. obviously they knew that going in, they knew that going into it. that was their strategy. obviously we're going to say she couldn't remember all of the nice parts about the relationship, but the bad parts about the relationship but the actual incident she can't. they have to call an expert. the defense has to call an expert who talks about amnesia, temporary amnesia, shock the effect it has on the brain. they need a professional to explain away her lack of memory. jon: because in the rules of evidence the prosecution can only ask her about what she has testified about, right? >> right. jon: if she doesn't talk at all about the murder -- >> on the stand for nine days. nine days -- >> that was a must take, to put her on the witness stand for nine days. she should have been on the witness stand for 90 minutes. you're right. cross-examination is not allowed to go beyond the scope of direct what they full us in the law. >> but they asked her about the events the fact that she says i don't remember, that opens the door for the
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prosecutor to be able to say, you don't remember getting the knife? do you remember the first bound? do you remember the third wound? do you remember after he is bleeding all the blood on the floor, do you remember going to get the gun? >> no, i don't remember. do you remember shooting him the first time? >> i think that will end up hurting her. her defense is self-defense killing, it if she really killed the guy. i rather it. it was horriblings, horrible experience. i wish i never had done it. he was a horrible man. she spent nine days dumping on the guy and nothing to help her. there was cross-examination testimony, jon, about her efforts to try to sneeshg an effort on the magazine. she basically told the friend, you messed up. told my lawyer inconsistent. get down her asap, get the stories straight before you testify. jon: she comes across looking like a psychopath. >> yes. >> her strategy is keep her off of death row. there is evidence, not
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evidence, but there is some stories about a couple of her friends saying she is just trying to save her life. she knows she did something wrong. she knows she should be punish and trying to save her life. i represented clients who admitted to me, look, i know i did something wrong, i should be punished but 25 years? how about ten years? how about 12 years? you wind up going to trial and i usually win. no. sorry about that. >> not even you could get this woman acquitted. i doubt you could even get this woman off death row. >> that will be interesting. she may have won enough sympathy to keep -- >> people filter information differently. i see them looking at her and seeing her as manipulative dishonest person from the time she dyed her hair until the last word came out of her mouth. jon: the message you talked about. we'll get into that a little more in the next hour of "happening now." fred tecce, arthur aidala. jenna: i believe arthur. that was a great shot, arthur. you did that inside the courtroom too when you win? >> no, i usually wait until
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in the men's room by myself. give myself one of these. jon: he has a gong that he rings. >> still waiting to win my first case. use that next time. jenna: we'll talk up another court case, the pistorius case out of south africa. news on that at the top of the next hour
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jenna: brand-new stories and breaking news this hour. the vegas strip now a crime scene as an active manhunt expands in the wake of a deadly gun battle that spills over as one of the city's busiest intersections and led to a luxury car bursting into flames. live on the scene with the developing details on that story. you have spin out, snow drifts and a lot of cancellations as a killer winter storm tears across the plains and midwest. an update on who is next in the path of this stormment we just talked a little bit about it, but it is a big case, obam jodi arias killed on the witness stand. why someone inside the trial says the prosecution botched its
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first opportunity to win a conviction. we'll til tell you why, now. multi-state manhunt underway for the suspects involved in a deadly drive by on the las vegas strip. welcome to a brand-new hour of "happening now," i'm jenna lee. bill: i'm jon scott. new details this ho*ur on wh hour on who it is police are looking for. they describe the attack as a scene right out of a movie. someone in a range rover opening fire on a maserati. three people killed, including two who died when their taxi was struck by the sports car and exploded into flames. dave lawrence of our fox affiliate kvvu on the scene there in las vegas. dave. >> reporter: hey, jon. certainly a chaotic scene here just a little over 24 hours ago. right behind me you can see this vigil, the memorial here. about 4:20 this morning, 24 hours after this incident they met here and had a vigil of oh,
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probably 30 or 40 cab drivers in remembrance of that cab driver that was killed in this incident. michael bolden is his name. they are now collecting for him at his place of employment. certainly a sad state of affairs. just over 24 hours ago is when this happened on the las vegas strip. we do have new information that this incident according to las vegas police started at the aria hotel on the vegas strip and that was at the valet area. they of course then went to the vegas strip and a shooting originated apparently from that black suv. here is the details on the black suv that is now part of a multi-state manhunt. the suv has dark tinted windows, a black range rover sport, large black rims ain't is believed it had car dealer plates, temporary in nature, paper. they were paper plates instead of the metal kind. they were temporary tags and the manhunt has now spread to california, arizona and utah as all those states authorities have been notified that there is
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a manhunt for this suspected shooter in this incident. so, today we hope to find out more about maybe some other surveillance video as a result of this incident on the las vegas strip, and find out if maybe we can get a better description of the suspect, not only -- we have a decent description of the vehicle but las vegas metro police also say there were several black men inside that car, and maybe from the aria hotel along the vegas strip there may be some better surveillance video that comes out today with the actual descriptions of the men that were maybe inside that car. hopefully later today we'll find out more about that. but, again the las vegas strip was closed for more than 15 hours which police say was the longest in its history to have a closure like that. it opened last night around 8:00. certainly a chaotic event here yesterday in las vegas that leads to this manhunt still going on today, jon. jon: dave lawrence from our fox station kvvu. thanks. jenna: the stunning turn of events in the "blade runner" murder case out of south
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africa. a south african judge granting bail to oscar pistorius after four days of combative arguments the judge's gripping announcement lasting almost two hours in a packed courtroom today. kitty logan is live from london with more on this story. how has this judge's decision really been received? >> reporter: well, obviously the family of oscar pistorius what's men's lee relieved. they shouted, yes, in the courtroom and there were scenes of them hugging and celebrating outside of course. oscar pistorius himself was somewhat more subdued, still very concerned i think about his future. there is a trifle course i trial, of course, in a few months time. the women's out african league had been critical of the incident. they say people need to remember that a young woman lost her life very violently and it was not a tomorrow to celebrate. as you say the magistrate did after a long detailed announcement grant bail to oscar
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pistorius. there are strict conditions on that bail. there was $100,000. heed to surrender his weapons and passport. he has to check in with police twice a week. and of course he has to prepare for trial in three months time that is set for june. and the prosecution says that they still have a strong case, so this is not over yet. jenna: you mentioned the trial in june. where do we go from now until then? >> reporter: well, obviously oscar pistorius will be out on bail with limited movements but his defense who have done a remarkable job during this bail hearing will be preparing for that trial. it will be a full trial and of course the state, the prosecution will be putting together their evidence and trying to build a stronger case. what is interesting to note today that the magistrate was quite critical of the state prosecution saying they had made mistakes. of course we did see that very difficult evidence given by the chief inspector botha who has been removed from the case now. we saw many holes in the
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prosecution case. also the magistrate was critical of oscar pistorius' story he says he simply didn't understand why oscar pistorius had not checked where his girlfriend was before he carried out a shooting through the door. he wasn't quite believing either side's story. he did emphasize today it was not a trial, it's simply a bail hearing, and he will have a full trial later this year. jenna: he go thank you. back here on u.s. soil we are following the latest developments in a different but also sensational murder case. the latest in the jodi arias trial. the prosecution is finally getting their chance to try to hammer holes into her story about what happened the night that she murdered her boyfriend. a criminal defense lawyer who was inside the courtroom and has been is going to tell us why he thinks round one of cross-examination actually goes to jodi arias. that is coming up.
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bill: well the blame game is intensifying right now over the automatic spending cuts due to hit beginning next week. pros roads gps has a new ad outputting the blame on the white house doorstep. chief white house correspondent ed henry live in washington now. >> reporter: what republicans are trying to to not just with this political ad but you can hear it from speaker john boehner's office today they put out a statement suggesting the president was quote unquote awol in terms of leadership in finding a solution to avoid these cuts. the president this week has been out here at the white house with first responders and others saying people are going to face furloughs, people are going to lose their jobs, moms will be without childcare if some of the federal spending is cut off. he's putting out all the dire consequences. when the president called speaker john boehner yesterday called mitch mcconnell, it's the first time he spoken by phone to senator mcconnell since ne new
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year's eve which causes the crossroads organization to put out this ad. >> the sequester was the president's idea, he signed it into law. >> reporter: they are trying to hit the point that this idea started with the white house as a mechanism to deal with, you know, with the super committee failed to act on deficit reduction. the white house push back on all of that has been in the end speaker john boehner and other republicans supported the automatic spending cuts themes. ray lahood the transportation secretary, a former republican member of congress we should point out, was imploring his former colleagues to get serious about working with the president on some sort of a which out here. lahood talking about the consequences for the flying public. take a listen. >> we are also beginning discussions with unions to eliminate midnight shifts in over 60 towers across the country. these closures will impact services for commercial, general aviation, and military aircraft. this will delay travelers and
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delay the critical goods and services that communities across the country need. these are harmful cuts with real world consequences that will cost jobs and hurt our economy. >> reporter: the point is the white house now trying to push back, make the political argument of their own that this is going to be really harmful, it's going to hurt the public, there will be long lines at airports. some flights will be canceled, tours shut down for periods of time to deal with the budget cuts. the conservatives have been saying this is a small part of the federal budget and some of the cuts may not be as dire as the white house is playing it out to be. jon: interesting when you break it all down. jenna: ray lahood was talking about the nation's airports in relation to sequester. an airport in cleveland, breaking news, a plane off the runway there, harris? >> reporter: it's hopkins international. it's very slick there. we can take a live look now from our fox affiliate in the
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cleveland area. we do know that this plane may have hit the slippery conditions. there is a mix wintry precipitation that is falling right now. reports are that united airlines flight has landed already at the airport, or had when it went to make a turn, it's a 737, and those tiny wheels trying to carry this big plane gave way on these conditions is what we are being told, and it slid onto a grassy area. we don't know of any injuries, in fact we don't know really anything that is going on with the passengers and crew on that plane. some of them have been moved -- or the plan is to put them on buses. they are meeting that plane with a crew now to take them to the terminal and we'll find out if anybody got hurt. no early reports of that. just right now the picture in the center of your screen is what you see, it's snow falling. this wintry, slippery mix and the plane's little wheels on a big 737 just continue take it. if we learn more we'll bring it back to you. jenna: scary moments for passengers.
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i'm sure we'll hear more about it. thank you. jon: in this country he would be honored as a hero. in pakistan he is behind bars for helps the united states track down and kill osama bin laden. now there is a new push to help free the doctor who helped lead us to the world apartments mos 's most wanted terrorist. wait until you hear who is getting pressured to take a stand to help set him free. they are the deep budget cuts we are told every american could feel. a week from now they are supposed to go into effect. what is the likelihood that the white house and congress can come to some kind of a deal before the sequester deadline? i've always looked up to my brother.
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he doesn't look like a heart attack patient. i was teaching a martial arts class and it hit me.
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we get to the emergency room... and then...and then they just wheeled him away. i had to come to that realization that "wow, i am having a heart attack." i can't punch this away. i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone. so be sure to talk to you doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i'm a fighter and nowadays i don't have that fear. [ male announcer ] learn how to protect your heart at i am proheart on facebook.
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. jenna: we have heard a lot about the heroic efforts to takeout osama bin laden thanks to movies like "zero dark thirty." a doctor played a very big role in real life by helping the u.s. find the most notorious
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terrorist hiding in his compound in pakistan. the compound has been torn down. the doctor who you are seeing at the cop of your screen there is sitting behind bars in pakistan serving a 33-year sentence for his effort to help our country. now a california businessman is making sure that hollywood doesn't forget him either. dominique d-natali is live in los angeles with more on this story. >> reporter: that businessman who is also a philanthropist says he wants hollywood celebrities to speak out about the doctor when they accept their awards at the oscars on sunday. there was a full page ad placed in this week's oscar's special of the hollywood reporter calling on the makers and the stars of "zero dark thirty" to bring the doctor's plight to the world's attention. he was the man who helped the cia get crucial evidence from osama bin laden's hideout that ultimately led to his killing by u.s. navy seals. a billion people around the world are going to be watching the academy awards and those who
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told that story about the u.s. navy seal's raid have the responsibility to get the free afridi message out. >> here is a chance to turn that portrayal into something miraculous. here ace chance to free somebody that basically is sphopb for finding the guy who murdered thousand -ts o of people in the twin tours on 9/11. >> reporter: he's done it in a pretty smart way. here is the ad in the hollywood reporter. they've not just gone for "zero dark thirty" pw-r other movies that arbut other movies, for example, lincoln freed the slaves, america free afridi. he says he was inspired by fox news' coverage, a story we have covered most likely than any other media outlet. and it was actually me who interviewed the doctor in september from his prison cell in pakistan. he's been tortured by the pakistan authorities and his mistreatment actually continues until this very day. >> if this is how we treat our
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friends who is going to help america now? we need to stand up for the doctor and stand up to everyone who is an ally to america. >> reporter: but so far the makers of "zero dark thirty" haven't given us any response to the ad. they got burned badly actually by negative coverage of really how the murder depicted the cia waterboarding suspects. they say this is the chance for the producers to put a positive thing on scenes and help secure the release of the doctor who people are calling america's a want donned hero. jenna: thank you for your continuing coverage on all of this. we'll continue to watch what happens to the doctor in pakistan. thank you. jon: a major showdown is brewing in washington as the:0 clock particulars on the passive spending cuts. $2.2billion in broad cuts begin on march 1st. presidential obama said during
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the third presidential debate, he didn't think those cuts would ever take place. >> first of all the sequester is not something that i proposed, it's something that congress proposed. it will not happen. jon: let's talk about it with rich hrour raoet editor of the national review and a fox news contributor. i called them massive cuts. in some ways they might be viewed that way, but in some ways maybe not. >> if you look at the bulge he will globally these drops are a drop in the bucket. over ten years they would be 3%, talk nothing theory about $85 billion a year and a 3.5 threul trillion dollar budget. according to the congressional budget office, because it takes time for the government to tkofrg it only cuts about 42 billion this year, 1.5% of the gougette. this should be doable in a rational way, but the sequester itself was designed to be as irrational and painful to all sides as possible. jon: you say it's something of allure eud fairytale that the president is spinning.
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what do you mean by that? >> we see this any time any government agency has to cut its budget. it puts ou the story that is most likely to create the greatest amount of fear in the public. so, you have every government agency doing this from tsa to the pentagon and you have the white house, i believe, egging them on. it's in the white house' interest to create the most lurid possible story about what the cuts would mean. they want to put them off or substitute tax increases for them. jon: we heard ray lahood talking about airport patrol towers that will be unmanned from midnight on. frankly there are a lot of airport control towers unmanned from midnight on and pilots land anyway. >> the way these things were designed, they were designed to be stupid and designed to make it painful for both sides. so they do something else to reduce the deficit instead, that is not going to happen. the sequester is going to happen march 1st and i think after that at some point hopefully both sides will sit down and figure out a more rational way to allocate these cuts.
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these cuts should happen. if we can't gut 3% of the budget over ten years we moisture as well declare national bankruptcy right now. jon: interesting that its discretionary funding, and programs that are getting cuts, no cuts from mandatory spending. >> again, if you're doing this in a rational way that is not the way you would do it, especially considering that the mandatory spending the entitlement spending is the bigger part of the budget that creates more than a debt problem down the line. it's stupid to disproportionately target the pentagon, which particularly is targeted and stupid to disproportionately target discretionary spending. we have a stupid debate going on over a stupidly designed spending cut. jon: despite this fuss over these cuts, isn't the federal government going to spend more money this year anyway? >> it will spend slightly more money this year than it did last year. again, jon this is a classic washington definition of a cut.
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if you reduce the level of growth of spending that is a horror story, a painful cut when actually you're spending more than you did the year before. jon: children will be uneducated and our food supply is baggy to poison us all. >> that's what we are told. jon: rich lowry, an up lifting few of the future. jenna: a family farm truly a bedrock of some of the things that makes this country great. food on the table, we need that now and then of course. the family farm is actually vanishing. we have the numbers from fresh federal data coming up. the state gets is chance to grill jodia arias in her murder trial. one attorney says the prosecution may have bungled its first crack at getting a conviction. he'll join us live with why he believes this. next. hi. i'm henry winkler.
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jenna: troubling news for america's farmers. harris faulkner has store from the newsroom,. >> reporter: it's significant when you consider the land mass that is no longer being dedicated now to farming and putting food on our table. this new report by the national agricultural statistic service shows the farms are shutting down and they sit on roughly 3 million acres, about the size of the state of connecticut. they are no longer being used to grow crops or as grazing land for livestock. there is still 2.2 million farms, big and small operating in the united states, but the ones which are closing are the smaller-owned properties, you know, the family businesses that make thousands, not millions of dollars a year. in the latest census small farms make up 91% of all farms in america. this report shows the number of those fell 2.5% last year. that's a lot of families feeding families who are no longer in business. back to you. jenna: interesting numbers there. harris, thank you.
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>> reporter: sure. jon: "happening now" in a sensational murder trial, the cost examination of jodi arias continues monday, this after the state finally got its chance to grill her starting yesterday. the lead prosecutor hammering arias over her version of events surrounding the grisly killing of her exboyfriend and her apparent spotty memory. our next guest says he believes one of the cross-examinations went to the accused. here to explain criminal defense attorney dwayne cates, he was in the courtroom yesterday. you think the prosecution didn't exactly get off on the right foot here, dwayne? >> i don't, jon and i'll tell you y. in the very beginning juan martinez came out just firing an was really being aggressive, but he was being aggressive over a point that didn't matter. he was being aggressive over a point that jodi arias called her sister dumb. i mean that is how we opened up, and that just didn't play. and then at one point jodi arias
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basically looked at him and said, i can't remember because you're yelling at me, just like travis did. and that was a moment to behold. jon: you think that that builds sympathy on the part of the jury for her? >> i mean it does. i mean here is what happened. she said that line, and the attorneys immediately went to a bench conference with the judge. when the bench conference was over juan martinez came out and his whole demeanor was different. he had a lower tone, he was polite, i mean -- to me that is a win for the witness when you can change the way the prosecutor is doing their cross-examination. jon: what about this moment, though? he talked about the prosecution talked about a message that she apparently was trying to smuggle out of her jail cell and it read like this. you mess up what you told my attorney next day directly contradicts what i've been saying for over a year. get down here asap and see me before you talk to them again
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and before you testify so we can fix this. that was a coded message apparently in a magazine that she was trying to smuggle out of the jailhouse. how did that play? >> well, that was a bad fact for the defense. and, you know, the defense got blindsided by it, because i'm sure the prosecution, you know, they have to notice them of what their evidence is going to be, and so they noticed they were going to have these magazines as evidence but they didn't tell them that there were coded messages in the magazines. they just noticed the magazines. so the defense team just looked through them, didn't see these messages, so this came as a total blind side, and the prosecution didn't make a lot of hay with it yesterday but it was kind of at the end of trial yesterday. we'll have to see if they come back to that at the beginning this morning. jon: all right. again, she has testified for nine straight days. she remembered all of this minutia about their relationship.
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she remembered all of these horrible things about her ex-boyfriend, but when it comes to this self-defense killing that she claims, you know, led to the end of his life and led to her being forced, she says, to kill him, she has no memory of it. >> well, i explained that on the show yesterday as an adrenaline white out. when you get -- when you get overdosed with adrenaline you blank out, everything just goes white and you don't see anything. now, everybody was saying, how could she -- how could she drag travis alexander down the hall? how could she pick him up? how could she put him in the shower? you know, he weighs 200-pound. and the answer that everybody gave was, it was adrenaline, it was adrenaline. adrenaline causes this and i expect an expert to come on and testify about that. jon: dwayne cates, thanks very much for your expertise, i'm a skeptic but we'll see what the jury decides. thanks, dwayne.
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jenna: mounting criticism for the president who says he would run the most open and transparent white house in history. the white house press corp getting a private audience from the commander and chief. the new fallout today. the spotlight on hollywood, which movies and stars will take home the gold. our oscar expert shares his full-proof formula for predicting the night's big winners. in the meantime we want to hear from you, send us your prediction on twitter@"happening now." we'll be right back.
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jon: fox news alert, fox news confirms the department of justice is planning to join the whistle-blower civil lawsuit against lance armstrong. the government is signing onto a lawsuit filed two years ago by floyd landis one of his former teammates who already has admitted to cheating. after denying for years that he cheated armstrong gave a general admission last month in an interview with oprah winfrey. his problems continue. jenna: a major storm is hammering the midwest today causing travel nightmare across the heartland. heavy snow, a lot of ice is forcing airports to close and strand ago lot of drivers on the road. look at these ones on your screen. the storm still has life in it, though, a warning to all, it is on the move today. and meteorologist janice dean is tracking where it's going next. jd. >> reporter: let's take a look, jenna lee, because we have a couple of storms down the
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pipeline that are going to affect the u.s. let's talk about this one, low pressure associated with this storm system is pushing across the upper midwest and great lakes, could see several inches of snow here. then we had that problem with the plane off the runway, skidding off the runway in cleveland because of a wintry mix. then we have the cold front associated with this system bringing heavy rain to parts of louisiana, mississippi, up towards alabama, and the carolinas. watch your travel forecast. our low moves into canada, the associated cold front stalls out, brings a lot of moisture to this area. then we'll see a little bit of a spinoff, a low pressure center off the coast, and that could mean a little bit of snow for new england. so as we watch this computer model develop this coastal low saturday and sunday, looks like boston, north and west of you up to a foot of snow. jenna back to you. jenna: it isn't over yet. jd. thank you. >> reporter: okay. jon: well right now president obama apparently is mending some fences. the political website reporting
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mr. obama held an off the record meeting with top white house reporters, this after the press corps that follows the president complained about being shutout of his golf outing with tiger wood. the day after president granted interviews with local tv reporters but not the white house press corp. let's talk about it with jude i will miller a pulitzer prize winning investigative reporter and author. kirsten powers, a daily beast columnist, both are fox news contributors. the president had an off the record meeting with some of these white house reporters who have been complaining that he's not giving them access and jay carney won't even talk about what happened at this off the record meeting. here is the quote from jay carney. the president of the united states has meetings all of the time. i don't comment on all of them. wow. there is some illumination for you. >> he doesn't comment on any of
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them. sometimes the cure is as bad as the disease, the disease in this case, jon, is a lack of transparency. and it's unfortunate that this issue had to come to the fore, in the guise of golf day, that is whether or not we were going to find out whether or not tiger woods beat the president at a round of golf or not, because there are serious, serious issues at stake here, like how our government functions, like what happened in benghazi, et cetera. jon:ed henry is our white house correspondent but also the president of the white house correspondent's association and the guy who sort of been tasked with the job of complaining about this lack of anchor ses. access. he says it's not about the golf game, it's about access to the president. >> it's true. it's not about the golf came. it's unfortunate that was the issue they came out and decided khraeup complain about. there are so many things that should have caused more of an outrage. "politico" wrote a story
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entitled barack obama puppet master question mark, how obama sort of controls the media. in it they talk about the fact that he hasn't met with these beat reporters in years, you know at times. jon: "the new york times," "the washington post." >> he instead chooses to go to these sort of softball interviews, whether it's at the new republic, his former staff store runs that, this is -- this is not -- he's not being held accountable if he'll only speak to people who will ask him easy questions. jon: i thought this was the most transparent white house in history. >> ann compton had a great article. she says each year, each president this problem gets worse. you know what real reworries me the fact this this president, mr. transparency is going after leakers, that is whistle-blowers and reporters who publish what they are given, that is a very advertise bushing trend and the white house press corp should be much more upset about it than they are.
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jon: if people don't get to see the president golfing with tiger woods, why should they care? >> i don't think they should. i don't think the golf thing even matters. the president should be allowed to golf, he should have private time. it's irrelevant, these are not the important issues that we are facing. another thing that was in the "politico" story is the white house decided is the reason they don't need to talk to the media is they don't find the media helpful to them. that is not really the role of the media. something is missing here. the role -- they are accountable to the media, they work for us, you know, for the american people and they are supposed to talk to the media to inform the american people. jon: we could talk about this all day. >> and will. jon: and we will on news watch tomorrow at 2:30pm eastern time. kristen powers, judy miller, thank you both. jenna: we'll watch for that on saturday, but on sunday everybody is going to gear up for hollywood's biggest night, the ooz the oscars are this sunday and even though votes haven't been tallied industry experts are predicting the winners. we've proclaimed our next guest
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our fox news oscar expert. he is actually going to project the winners. tariq kahn is here. >> based on my full proof oscar formula which i've been perking for 35 years i can tell you who is going to win and i guarantee you these will not be wrong. a few sure things we have. best picture of the year, i can protect "argo" is going to take it. hollywood loves this film. it swept all the pre oscar awards. it's going to win. for best actor, daniel day lies, best actor in "lincoln." no-brainer here, astonishing performance, considered the best actor of all time he didn't lose. best supporting actress, anne hathaway in les, miserables. she can't loose. three big surprises we will
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see. best actress of the year it is not going to be jennifer lawrence in "silver linings playbook," it is going to be emanuel riva in a film called amour. she is 85, turns 86 on oscar stunned sunday. she is going to get the best birthday present of her life. oscar voters love it. she is going to win i guarantee you. best supporting actor, tommy lee jones will not win for "lincoln" this. award will go to robert de niro in "silver linings playbook," his best performance in years. hollywood loves the films, it's going to win here. for best director one of the biggest surprises. steven spielberg in "lincoln" will not win. i'm going to project ang lee for life of pi. he guarantee i will not be wrong, if i am i won't come back
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to work on monday. jenna: we need you, you have to come back to work. are you sure at the time at the foreign desk hasn't sort of skewed your thoughts on "argo"? i loved the movie but a lot of people you know -- >> the academy is very international, members from over 65 countries. they love "argo," they love life of pi. you'll not see any better predictions anywhere. jenna: i love this, the confidence, the name on the line, your job on the line. >> absolutely that's right. jenna: our swraou are viewers can follow you o. jennafollowers can follow you on twitter. >> take a look there, jenna: we really appreciate your expertise. >> thank you so much, great to see you. jenna: thank you tariq. jon: an doesn't even think he's going out on a limb. jenna: no. jon: wow. jenna: all confidence there. jon: love that. the u.s. border with mexico might not be everyone's idea of the perfect tourist shot, but one man just won an
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international award for offering a tour of the area. we'll tell you what is behind that. plus, growing concern that the world powers might be going soft on iran as another round of talks about his nuclear program about to get underway. i you're suffering from constipation, miralax or metamucil may take days to work. for faster relief, try dulcolac laxative tablets. dulcolac provides gentle relief overnight unlike miralax and metamucil that can take up to 3 days.
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jenna: just days before iran will sit down for yet another round of talks with world powers, which includes us as well a u.n. report find its increasing its ability to produce enriched uranium fueling fears that it's getting closer to be able to quickly produce a nuclear weapon. earlier this week iran's ambassador to the u.n. spoke at an event in new york city. his remarks raised a lot of eyebrows about where iran is as far as whether or not even engage nothing talks right now is the right thing to do. joining us live, a journalist and resident of the foundation of defense for democracy. we have to look back on the
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entire week and step back and see what is happening with that country. our very critical in an article you wrote this week about this ambassador even getting the platform to talk. why? >> this is iran's ambassador to the united nations in new york. and because this is an ambassador to represents -- he's a well dressed, well-mannered veteran diplomat, he's fluent in english, he's lived in the states for years. he was also running a front operation, according to federal prosecutors off fifth avenue sending welcome back to iran and around the united states. that is a court case still in court proceedings. he is somebody who at the u.n. defends iran's atrocious human rights record. where people bleed to death in the streets. he in his night suit say look we have a transparent democratic
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system not a problem. he's just been rolled out to explain basically that if the u.s. is just nice to iran, respects them, doesn't hold a gun to iran's head, everything will be fine, iran will behave perfectly well. that is iran buying time for its nuclear program. jenna: some believe, you know, i'm playing the devil's advocate, some believe that this is what makes the united states unique, right that we'll invite the ambassador to the u.n. for iran a state sponsor for terror for open dialogue in our country. that makes us unique and different and something we should be proud of. similar those are the same folks that will say this is why dialogue is important to avoid any sort of conflict with iran with the nuclear program. why do you believe that maybe this isn't what makes us unique and actually puts us in a more challenging position? >> well, freedom of speech is wonderful and it is a great thing. what i was warning about is listen to what this ambassador is saying and compare it with
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who he actually is, what he represents, and what he's done. right now sanctions have been hurting iran. they want those gone, and they want to proceed as they like with their nuclear program, which appears certainly to me really headed for nuclear weapons. north korea, their partner in proliferation which conducted a nuclear test, wrote the playbook on how you negotiate this way, it's cut a deal, cheat, and proceed and repeat. that is the road that iran is going down right now. jenna: just real quick, claudia if i could, everything that happened with north korea happened under the bush administration. we've seen this now with a few different administrations and quote unquote these rogue nations. quickly here now, what do you think about the talks next week? any reason for optimism? >> no, i'm very pessimistic. they could cut a deal. the question is will it be a deal that actually stops iran's
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nuclear weapons program? and that's the big question. the eagerness with which the u.s. administration has been pursuing iran on this one is troubling. a deal like this is only likely to really help u.s. interests if iran comes eagerly to the table, pleading for a deal and offering in every way to be open, otherwise it is the north korean playbook, it's going to be a replay of the years. jenna: one day we'll wake up and they were testing a nuclear weapon. thank you for your insight. thank you for the time today. >> reporter: thank you. jon: a bus tour along the u.s. border with mexico might not sound too glamorous but it just won a global award. our adam housley went along for the ride. he joins us next.
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jenna: a bus tour is giving a very unique perspective on our southern border in this country. an arizona businessman is offering people a firsthand look giving travelers the chance to hear directly from ranchers and law enforcement in the area. adam housley streaming live from southern arizona with more. adam. >> reporter: yeah, jenna, welcome to nogales, arizona. we are one kilometer from the international border. this is called a border crisis bus tour. it began a couple of years ago when a man named bob fineman, a longtime spanish radio broadcaster in arizona got together with gray line and decided there was a need. it's been very popular. bob is driving us right now, we are headed towards the international border. this has become a popular tour and one that is very important for people to get the education out here. >> gray line international actually awarded this as the most creative new tour of 2012.
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it's designed to let people interact with the border and have the border speak to folks so they can get their own true view of what goes on here and make their own opinion up instead of having to listen to that of others. >> reporter: we've been down here a lot of times, in fact we're passing the highway patrol here. straight ahead is mexico, that is nogales. we'll drive right along the fence line. a few years ago that fence wasn't even here. when you talk to border agents they can't go on record and say that they think it's a good thing that people learn about the educational values of coming down to the border but what they can do is they can tell you through the border patrol union that they think it's a great idea. we had a chance to talk with them and here is what they had to say. >> in you actually come out here and see what is going on you see the way the land is, you see that it's not all flat ground, that it's not easy to track people, i think that's a humongous educational value for people. >> reporter: back here along the border. bob, you can keep talk. we have officially got even to the border itself. that is nogales, through the
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lieu of verse you can see that. you'll see agents and stuff. it's town here they found tunnels. i've actually interrupted bob on this tour as he's telling people about what he sees ahead. what r-r you going t were you going to say in. >> i was going to pull up here and give everybody a chance to get out. >> reporter: bob tells but this as you go along. as i say you can see the mexican fed de federalies. it gives aufp different perspective for those of us who have been down here over the last ten years it gives you a much different perspective than watching it on television. jenna: can see it with your own two eyes. fascinating for taking us along on the ride. we appreciate it. jon: oh, baby, nothing but net, a cheerleader makes the shot of a lifetime, amazing video, next. [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents are awesome. but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow!
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